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来源:数字与缩微影像 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-08-03
摘要:stem.Recovery of lower limb alignment was assessed.Hospital for special surgery knee score on the affected side was analyzed to evaluate the recovery of joint function at postoperative 1,3 and 12 month
stem.Recovery of lower limb alignment was assessed.Hospital for special surgery knee score on the affected side was analyzed to evaluate the recovery of joint function at postoperative 1,3 and 12 months.This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Wuxi People’s Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1) The satisfaction rate of lower limb alignment and the excellent and good rate of patellar movement trajectory were higher in the trial group than in the control group (100%,91%;100%,94%,P<0.05).There was no significant difference between the two groups in the satisfaction rate of osteotomy (P>0.05).(2) Hospital for special surgery knee score was higher in the trial group than in the control group at postoperative 1 and 3 months [(80.5±9.06),(74.0±6.42),P<0.05;(89.5±4.11),(82.5±6.09),P<0.05].There was no significant difference in the score at postoperative 12 months (P>0.05).(3) No complications or adverse reactions related to implant occurred after operation.(4) Results indicated that personal osteotomy data can be obtained through Picture Archiving and Communication System in the total knee arthroplasty so as to improve the accuracy of osteotomy,better correct the lower limb alignment,obtain excellent patellar trajectory,and obtain better early curative effect of operation.The follow-up results within 1 year were satisfactory.The long-term effect remains to be further observed. 0 引言 Introduction 全膝关节置换是治疗重度膝关节骨关节炎的标准手术,但是25%的患者对术后结果不满意[1]。多种因素影响全膝关节置换的手术疗效,包括假体大小的选择、下肢力线的重建、胫骨和股骨假体旋转摆位、屈伸间隙平衡等[2-6],良好的术前计划可有效降低上述因素的误差,提高手术疗效。随着医疗数字化进程,医学影像信息系统在临床应用越来越普遍[7],其精准的测量功能逐步取代醋酸酯模板在胶片上进行测量的传统术前计划模式[8],可以准确地获得全膝关节置换手术操作过程中所需要的各项参数。作者采用医学影像信息系统对一组病例进行术前计划和测量,术后通过该影像系统对手术结果进行评估,与常规手术组进行比较,探讨其临床应用价值。 1 对象和方法 Subjects and methods 1.1 设计前瞻性随机对照研究。 1.2 时间及地点试验于29年3月在南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院骨科完成。 1.3 对象将2018年3月南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院骨科收治的64例拟行全膝关节置换患者纳入研究,随机分为试验组与对照组,每组32例。试验组中男11例,女21例;平均年龄(64.9±7.03)岁;右膝18例,左膝14例;其中K-L分级Ⅲ级8例,Ⅳ级24例。对照组中男13例,女19例;平均年龄(6

文章来源:《数字与缩微影像》 网址: http://www.szyswyx.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0803/334.html


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